Google I/O 2012 HTML5 CSS3 Talks

This year's Google I/O was really cool. Here's a collection of few interesting talks focused on HTML5 and CSS3 which I enjoyed . I'm pretty sure if you're following the innovations on the web then you know how powerful is the new HTML5 specification. The real power of HTML5 is in it's new APIs and when combined with JavaScript and CSS3 it's power literally multiplies.
  • Google I/O 2012 - The Web Can Do That!?
    The web is changing so quickly that it's hard to keep up with what's new in the platform. HTML5's new capabilities allow developers to build a whole new suite of applications - things that were once impossible to do, are now a reality. 
    This session will walk you down the bleeding edge of HTML5 for 2012 by focusing on in-depth techniques, which solve real world challenges. We'll cover media capture, file I/O, advanced usage of websockets, media streaming, device input, multimedia, and modern css design. -By Eric Bidelman

  • Google I/O 2012 - New Web Tools and Advanced CSS/HTML5 Features from Adobe & Google
Innovative new features such as CSS Regions, Exclusions, Shaders, Compositing, and the Shadow DOM bring powerful capabilities to modern browsers. See demos and code and learn about the status of these new standards. Get an early look at the development workflow enabled by Adobe Shadow and learn about the open source project "Brackets", which is working to create a code editor for the web built entirely with web technologies. -By Alex Danilo

  • Google I/O 2012 - High Performance HTML5
For years we built web apps that far outpaced the capabilities of the browsers they ran in. Just as the browsers were catching up HTML5 came on the scene - video and audio, canvas, SVG, app cache, localStorage, @font-face, and more. Now the browsers are racing to stay ahead of the wave that's building as developers adopt these new capabilities. Is your HTML5 app going to ride the wave or be dashed on the rocks leaving users stranded? Learn which HTML5 features to seek out and which to avoid when it comes to building fast HTML5 web apps. This session will be live captioned. - By Steve Souders

There's lot more to learn and enjoy. You can view all Google I/O talks at:


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